To the Wisconsin Hunter Education Instructor Association,
My name is Travis Ziaya and as a recent recipient of the Wisconsin Hunter Education
Instructor Association Scholarship, I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for being
selected for this notable award. I am very thankful for receiving such a distinguished honor.
I am currently a senior, majoring in Wildlife Ecology and Management, with aspirations
to eventually become a Game Warden or work for the DNR. In the future, I want to be able to
assist wildlife, protect the environment, teach upcoming outdoor recreationalists, and make life
more sustainable for future generations. So far, I have thoroughly enjoyed my college experience
here at UWSP and continue to grow as a learner and natural resource professional. Receiving this
scholarship means that I can continue to work towards my goals, and it will help me climb the
ladder to future success in the field of natural resources. Outside of UWSP, I am an avid
fisherman and outdoorsman; I thoroughly enjoy kayaking and hiking, as it allows me to explore
and to become more in-touch with nature. By receiving this honor, I can continue to redefine
myself as a wildlife professional and help to preserve our planet.
With receiving the Wisconsin Hunter Education Instructor Association Scholarship, I
plan to use it for financial assistance. This scholarship provided will allow me to focus on my
studies rather than how I will afford to pay for the coming semesters at UWSP. The Wisconsin
Hunter Education Instructor Association Scholarship means a lot to me, as it will help me with
paying for tuition and books. As a first-generation college student, I am very fortunate to have
received this opportunity and to know that there is an organization who believes in my ability to
succeed. I know that there are many people who applied for this scholarship, so I truly am
honored to have been selected. Having this extra financial security will allow me to concentrate
more on my learning and becoming more active in UWSP clubs. Thank you again for your
generosity. I’ve included my contact information below if you’d like to keep in touch as I go
through an important milestone in my life.
Travis Ziaya
426 South Main Street
Hancock, WI 54943